Top Python Frameworks Shaping the Future: A 2024 Overview

9 min read Oct 12, 2020

An Introduction to Python Frameworks

Python web frameworks are generally known as the set of modules or packages that assist programmers in creating web applications using the Python programming language.

There is no need to focus on low-level details like numerous protocols, thread management, or connections when they choose Python for quick development.

Frameworks automate the execution of fundamental solutions, allowing developers to focus on the development of websites rather than common regular activities.

By offering a default paradigm for app organizing that is rapid, consistent, and easily maintainable, web frameworks enable website developers, web designers, system administrators, and Linux operators the ability to construct a structure.

Now, because of the simultaneous command line (CL) processing and robust typing, these web frameworks also save coding time and allow developers to be more focused.

Python backend frameworks provide greater source order abstractions and metaprogramming possibilities.

This will further allow for the development of big and complex code systems and a range of libraries for special features.

How do Frameworks make life easier?

Life is difficult. We want to make things simple, but that's difficult as well. Why? We mistakenly believe that "difficult" means "excellent." However, this is not the case. It's easy to make things difficult, but it's not difficult to make things simple if you follow one basic rule. To understand the framework thoroughly, join the Seasia Infotech newsletter, where we talk about the top framework every week using examples for just about every aspect of life.

What are the web frameworks?

The user interface, browser, database, server, and middleware system are all connected by a web framework, which simplifies the process flow. To understand it better, this software framework is required for the creation of online applications, web services, and dynamic and static webpages.

The administrative tools, Client Layer, Recommender Server, and Generator Server are all part of the web framework architecture. The API Layer, Application Layer (includes online, action, and offline recommender services), and Database Layer (includes database actions and association rules) make up the Recommender Server. A Data mining layer exists on the Generator Server, and it incorporates both action-based and content-based generators. Management, API Documentation, and Administration are all part of the administrator layer or tool.

Why is Python popular?

Python is one of the most widely used programming languages globally. It was initially introduced in the 1990s, and millions of apps, games, and websites today utilize it.

Ask any python developer, and they'll tell you that the language is more efficient, dependable, and speedier than most current languages. Python may be utilized in almost any context, and regardless of the platform on which it is employed, there will be no performance loss.

Python's adaptability makes it more outstanding and captivating to use because of the presence of a wide range of applications. Another advantage of the Python language's adaptability is that it may be utilized in a wide range of situations. It indulges desktop apps, web development, mobile apps, hardware programming, and much more down the line.

Python language may assist a lot with task automation since it consists of several tools and modules, which make things a lot easier. It's remarkable to think that with only essential python programs, one may quickly achieve sophisticated levels of automation.

Python is also the finest performance booster for software testing automation. Writing programs for automation tools takes a fraction of the time and requires a small number of lines.

Python remains the most popular programming language in 2022, according to GitHub and Google trends, surpassing longstanding Java and JavaScript in popularity. We can find tens of thousands of websites that are developed using the Python framework. Before we get into the nitty-gritty of Python web development, let’s quickly take a glance at all the popular Python websites that are developed using Python:

  • Google
  • Instagram
  • Spotify
  • Netflix
  • Uber
  • Dropbox
  • Pinterest
  • Instacart
  • Reddit
  • Lyft, and a lot more.

Popular Python Frameworks for 2024

Next to JavaScript, Python is a popular programming language that is widely preferred by developers and global businesses. It has a simple syntax and high performance due to which it becomes the first choice of the developers. Python is ideal for catering to numerous purposes, such as app development using Python and web development using Python.

Let’s discover the popular Python frameworks that you can pick in 2024 and beyond that for developing appealing websites. So, let’s get started!



Django is an open-source and a full-stack Python framework that allows developers to build complex code and applications rapidly. Django integrates the necessary features of a web app by default rather than offering them as dedicated libraries. With Django, you can develop amazing, highly scalable, versatile, and fast web apps. It also allows developers to make database transfers amongst one another by applying the same code. As of now, over 12,000 projects are delivered using the Django framework.

Unique features of Django

  • Rich scalability
  • Excellent documentation
  • High security
  • Rapid development
  • Python web framework
  • Authentication
  • SEO optimized
  • URL routing



Pyramid is a popular full-stack framework which is an open-source Python-based web development framework. It is popular since it works seamlessly with full-scale applications, you can find numerous assets accessible for widening its capabilities based on the requirements. Pyramid is flexible and enables the developers to build basic web apps through a minimalistic approach.

Unique features of Pyramid

  • Operates perfectly on small as well as large applications
  • HTML structure validation and generation
  • Flexible authentication and approval
  • Supports URL generation to enable changes to the app that won't break links
  • Supports Routes and Traversal



Available as an open-source framework, CherryPy is popular for being a stable and rapid framework. It operates seamlessly on all primary frameworks, including Unix, Linux, Windows, and MacOS. The framework includes a multi-string web server, arrangement framework, module framework. To run the apps created using CherryPy doesn’t require an Apache server. The framework provides mechanisms for more extensions and hook points. It even gives access to numerous tools like Python 2.7+, Python 3.1+, PyPy, Android, and Jython.

Unique features of CherryPy

  • Efficient configuration system
  • In-built thread-pooled webserver of HTTP/1.1-compliant WSGI
  • Flexible plugin system
  • Built-in profiling, coverage, and testing support
  • Easy to run multiple HTTP servers
  • amazing design and adaptable module framework
  • Built-in instruments for reserving, encoding, sessions, verification, static substance, and so on.

Python Development Services - Seasia Infotech



Tornado is an asynchronous Python web framework that has scored 18,292 GitHub Stars and 5,040 GitHub Forks for its performance and usage factors. The major focus of this framework is on the speed of the app and the ability to cater to high volume traffic. It is an offbeat framework library that uses a non-blocking framework I/O and unravels the C10k issue. For the apps that need a superior and a wide number of simultaneous clients.

Unique features of Tornado

  • Non-blocking HTTP client
  • Allows usage of outsider validation and approval plans
  • Perfect for HTTP+JSON administration
  • Web templating
  • Supports interpretation and restriction
  • Easy execution of third-party authentication and authorization schemes
  • Offers inbuilt support for user authentication
  • Outstanding performance



If you are wondering what is Flask and why it is popular, then let me tell you that Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2. The framework has acquired the Stars and Forks of GitHub in more numbers like 46,475 and 12,921. Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and the Jinja2 template in the Flask framework ensure more effective app functionality. It is even used by major industry leaders such as Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Unique features of Flask

  • Lightweight framework
  • RESTful request dispatching tendency
  • Perfect with Google App Engine
  • Supports integrated unit testing
  • Worked in development server and debugger
  • HTTP solicitation
  • Effective HTTP request handling
  • Backing for connecting any ORM
  • Supports secure treats to build up customer side sessions
  • Unicode-based
  • Unit testing support
  • Capable of plugging in any ORM



TurboGears is an open-source and an information-driven full-stack web app framework for Python. It allows developers to build extensible information-driven web apps and requires less set-up to develop a web application. The framework even encourages individuals to start developing web apps with an insignificant setup. It follows an MVC (Model-View-Controller) design and Object Relational Mapper (ORM) and Ajax for the server and program. The framework has great community support and offers access to numerous libraries.

Unique features of TurboGears

  • Verification with FormEncode
  • Multi-database support
  • Works on MVL-style architecture
  • It uses Pylons as a web server
  • Comes with multi-database support
  • MVC-style design
  • Allows integration of MochiKit JavaScript library
  • Works on MVL-style architecture
  • PasteScript layouts



Web2Py is an open-source full-stack development framework that supports all the major working frameworks. It rearranges the web app development process via the SQL database, web server, and the online interface. The framework allows you to construct, alter, convey, and oversee web apps via internet browsers. Web2Py has in-built segments to oversee HTTP demands, responses, treats, and sessions.

Unique features of Web2Py

  • No establishment and no setup
  • Easy to read multiple protocols
  • Enhanced data security
  • Error logging, tracking, and ticketing
  • Offers role-based access control and widely supports international markets
  • Prevents common vulnerabilities such as Cross-Site Scripting, Injection Flaws, and Malicious File Execution

With the advancement and changing market trends, the industry will evolve and we can expect these frameworks to evolve and improve the web and app development lifecycle in the long run. Alongside this, let’s stay prepared to welcome the new Python frameworks that will enter the industry in the coming time!


Which framework is best for Python?

While you may not find Django lightweight, the Django REST framework provides a great base for building blocks of restful APIs. People take favor of Tastypie until they try Django-rest-framework. Tastypie sits best with Django as simple plug-and-play, but it lacks some in-depth integration if you ask it out of opinion. The Rest framework integrates with common Django idioms and patterns, so if you're the Django ninja, you'll pace it up like anything.

Another benefit that we can't afford to forget about the framework is that it is very actively developed and has outstanding documentation.

Summing up in a few words, go for the REST framework if you can afford to use a somewhat heavy and self-contained framework like Django. If you prefer to keep it sleek and easy, then you need to build your solutions from little bricks that stick with a flask.

Which is the best Python web framework for use?

When selecting a Python web framework for a project, there are several factors to consider.

The programmer's preferences and experience, the project's specifics, and the project's general long-term goal are all considerations to consider. If the Python web frameworks are altered, there may be some concerns; therefore, it's worth considering your choices. The improper framework selection might result in considerable financial and time losses. Rather than trying to figure things out on your own, put your faith in the professionals.

Which Python web framework is more popular?

Django is the popular Python full-stack framework.

When it is about developing sophisticated web apps, it should have a well-deserved reputation for being productive. Its goal is speedy development with perfect choices for typical circumstances, earning it the name "the python web framework for geniuses with deadlines."

It is well-established, extensive, well-documented, and has a sizable user base. It's an autonomous framework, which means it makes a lot of choices for you. The benefits of this strategy include a faster start to develop, "certified" integrations that just work, and headspace to focus on your project's unique requirements rather than which libraries to employ. Furthermore, Django projects have a uniform appearance, making it easier for developers to work rapidly on new projects and for teams to coordinate their activities consistently.

Django comes with its object-relational mapper (ORM) for interacting with databases, as well as a standard approach for authentication and authorization, an automatically created admin interface (ideal for quick prototyping), integrated caching, and more.

Django is suitable for both small and big projects, and it has been utilized by several high-traffic websites, including Instagram, the Washington Post, and Mozilla. Asynchronous functionalities are available in Django 3.0, with async views and middleware coming in version 3.1.

What are the two most popular Python web frameworks in use today?

You need to find out the topmost of the above-mentioned as everything is on the list. It's you need to dig out the best ones depending upon your project and evaluation.

Which Python framework is the best for web development?

Languages and frameworks are exactly that: tools. There is no such thing as the best framework, just the framework that works best for you and your team. Another factor is the programming language used. Use Python if your staff is most comfortable with it. If Ruby is the most familiar, then use Ruby.

How to choose a Python web framework?

Python is the programming language that is chosen by the majority of web developers. For the fifth year in a row, Python is the most popular technology among developers who plan to use it eventually.

However, there are a few factors that businesses should think about before selecting a web development framework. First and foremost, it must consider the scope and complexity of the coding method.

A full-stack framework will be the best choice if you want to build a massive structure with many requirements and features. On the other hand, microframeworks should be considered if a tiny and basic app product is being developed.

Choose wisely if you invest time and resources to build an application for the best usage.

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Diwas Tripathi

Diwas is a self-professed ‘writer by birth’, and holds a Degree in Journalism and a Diploma in Integrated Marketing that complement his innate abilities. He is also a Hubspot certified Content Marketer and has worked with numerous publications in the print-media before switching to the digital world. He is a firm believer in team work; for him, it is not just the idea, but also the team’s buy-in into the idea, that makes a campaign successful!