Artificial Intelligence

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Embrace the Future of Quality Control with AI-Driven Screen Damage Detection

We live in times where screens and displays have become an integral part of our lives. From smartphones and other consumer electronics to industrial machinery, screens are everywhere. And while they have become vital for user interaction and operational efficiency, there is one recurring issue devices with screens often face – screen damage.  Now, there […]

Should You Make Your Own Custom GPT? The Experts Say ‘Yes’ 

ChatGPT has been the talk of the town since the very first day of its launch, thanks to its ultrahuman capabilities. But what if we told you, it’s totally possible to train its underlying models to do specific tasks and make your own GPT. Doesn’t that sound amazing? Custom versions of ChatGPT allow you to […]

AI in Finance and its Impact on Financial Services Sector

From the bustling stock exchanges to the personalized banking apps on our phones, the financial services sector has evolved beautifully to keep up with the progress in technology. And now, we are witnessing the brewing of another revolution that is primarily being driven by the capabilities of artificial intelligence. AI in banking and finance has […]

Beyond Blueprint: AI in Construction

With every step forward in the context of evolution of technology unfolds a whole new set of concerns regarding AI safety. Even though there has been a significant shift in how we perceive AI, a large chunk continues to believe that artificial intelligence is probably hurting the workforce more than it benefits them. Some concerns […]

How is AI in Banking Transforming the Industry for the Better? 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the white knight redefining industries by revolutionizing how the businesses operate. This new technology is already transforming a range of legacy businesses. Therefore, it comes as no surprise as AI in banking has also become the norm. Currently, AI is used by 80% of banks worldwide for fraud detection. It is not without […]

AI in Real Estate: Predictive Analytics and Investment Opportunities

The real estate industry, historically characterized by traditional practices, is undergoing a significant transformation. The introduction of advanced technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence, is reshaping the landscape of property buying, selling, and investment. What’s more interesting is the market for AI in real estate is expected to reach a staggering $1335.89 billion by 2029, exhibiting a […]

ChatGPT vs Bard: Do We Have a Winner Yet? 

Technology is evolving at such a fast pace that we are witnessing several innovations each day. Given the fact that ChatGPT was the first of its kind AI application, it certainly made some waves and was under the limelight for a fairly long time until Google announced a rival – Bard, and once again, all […]

GPT-4 : OpenAI’s Latest Gift to Humanity

After making waves with ChatGPT a few months ago, OpenAI has once again initiated a series of discussions in the technology world with its latest release. On March 14, 2023, the company announced its most capable language model so far – GPT-4. This latest milestone is one step further in OpenAI’s vision of scaling up […]

ChatGPT Explained: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Features and Limitations

Developed by the great minds at OpenAI, ChatGPT is the first and best-of-its-kind language model. It is capable of generating human-like text and has been trained on a massive dataset of diverse internet text, making it a versatile tool for various natural language processing tasks. As a result, the tool has the potential to be […]