101 Guide For Software Architecture & How To Choose The Right One?

The evolution of recent technologies has directed us to the virtual sphere of software operating hand-in-hand with real lives. Software isn’t confined only to carrying out complex business operations, but can even be seen assisting us in our routine life. However, have you ever given a thought to what all it takes to develop software? […]

The Coronavirus Impact: How COVID-19 has affected Tech and Software Industry worldwide

With WHO, declaring the epidemiological outbreak of COVID-19 as “Pandemic“, it has led to adverse ramifications on the corporate sector worldwide. The novel coronavirus is still wreaking havoc in all the industries globally. The business and lives of people have been impacted dramatically due to the life-threatening effects of the coronavirus. The majority of IT […]

Categorizing and Comparing IPaaS, APaaS and SaaS

You must have heard about the terms IPaaS, APaaS, and SaaS in your business and may be wondering what they are all about and what their applications in industries are.

12 Top PHP Frameworks For MNC’s and Startups

Technology has eventually transformed the conventional lifestyle and has enhanced the way of living. There is no point you can deny the fact that internet and e-trading are influencing our lives in ways that we can’t even imagine. When we talk about the latest trends in the web development industry, we can’t neglect PHP, which […]

Java VS Python VS R Language

Do you ever fall into a dilemma of choosing the right language for studying data like Big Data? If you are an entrepreneur, then you must have fallen in the gasp of wonder when measuring any set of data or Big Data. Now, when it comes to a programming language to use in data science, […]

PHP VS PYTHON: Which of Them Is Better and More Convenient?

When a person chooses to make his/her dreams and ideas into reality, he/she usually reaches a stage where they need to choose in which web language, they want their dream project to be developed. PHP and Python are the two most widely used programming languages. PHP, by tradition, is used as a server-side scripting language. […]

Swift VS Objective-C: Which One Is More Suitable For Your Business?

I want to start this post with a great line said by Paul Solt in InfoWorld, “Programming languages don’t die easily, but development shops that cling to fading paradigms do.” That line clears a lot of things for us. In the dynamic realm of coding and programming, sticking to one language will only bring pain […]

Which e-Commerce Platforms Is Best – OpenCart, WooCommerce, Magento, or Shopify?

If you are planning on building an online store, selecting an e-Commerce platform is one of the most vital steps you will take as an entrepreneur. When you analyze e-Commerce platforms it can be extremely difficult to tell how minor differences in functions and performance can majorly affect your sales. In this article, we will […]

The Limitations of Beacon Based Tracking and Advertising

With the rising costs, shifts in customer expectations and stiff competition, retailers are always on the outlook for ways to gain efficiency and increase sales. So, when beacons appeared on the tech scene in 2013, there was a lot of hype around them. They were able to and provide targeted messaging to customers as they […]

What is a Beacon Technology?

In the modern era, humans spend most of their time indoors. But it is nearly impossible to track the devices via GPS as cell signals are mostly blocked indoors. For this problem, BEACONS are the solution. Beacons have been generating buzz since 2013 when Apple first introduced iBeacon technology. And while it may have appeared […]

Unlocking the Benefits: Why Your Business Should Embrace Agile Software Delivery Approach

‘Delivering Quality at Speed’ is the success chant in today’s highly-competitive business world. The customary approaches for software development have divided development and testing into two diverse steps- developers build a feature and the QA team tests it for defects. With the eventual growth of the product, the testing time and efforts also grow exponentially. […]